Sunday 25 September 2011

Green Vision - Project 2A

Project 2A : Man Made Structure ( Form and Structure)
    • Task                     : Draw any building from the area of HBP
    • Building choosen : Lecture hall ( Block E48 )  
    • Size                      : A3 size and essay size is 130x130mm 
    • Colours                : Black and White
    • Method of shading : Hatching
    • Materials              :  Staedtler 6H ,2H & 2B pencil & A3 catridge and board.  
    • Venue choosen     : Block 48 - Lecture Hall 
Process :
1 . Selected one from the pictures captured.
                                             Back of Studio
Lecture Hall
                                   Drum and office
                                  Opposite of research centre

2. Sketch the selected picture out by using 2H ,then 2B and 4B

3. Hatching method is used to drawn the picture out.

Comment : I understand more about my school ,School of Housing ,Building and Planning through this project.

Green Vision Product

Friday 23 September 2011

Green Vision - Project 1B

Project 1B : Me ,Myself and I ...

  • Title                          :    Introduction to Myself
  • Name                         :    Pika Chew Kah Heng
  • School                       :    HBP ( Housing ,Building and Planning )
  • Discipline                  :    Architecture
  • Drawing size             :   130mm x 130 mm
  • Rendering technique :   Hatching
  • Colours                      :   Blacks and White
  • Materials                   :   Staedtler 6H ,2H & 2B pencils & A3 catridge and board.

Feature :  i  )The Photo frame : it's a part of the design to make the drawing not so dull and make
                                                     full use of the empty space of the empty spaces.
                    ii ) Director of Green Vision : pikachew ,me is the creator of green vision .

Comment : How i draw myself ..? My method is sit infront a mirror and begin sketching myself. Through this project,i start to understand myself more already...Thus,try to draw yourself out then u will know how great u look like ,,, =P

Green Vision Product

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Green Vision - Project 1A

Project 1A : My Link( line and shape )
Pika's first project
  • Logo name         :      Green Vision
  • Slogan                :      Build a greener environment 
  • Size                    :      23o mm x 23o mm
  • Colour                :      light green ,olive green ,light blue and black.
  • Materials            :      Zig Kurecolor Twin marker pen , Staedtler 6H ,2H & 2B pencils
                                      ,Staedtler Luna colour pencil ( for RUS104 logo) ,A3 catridge and board.
  • Logo shape        :      Eye structure and green city at the middle.

Process :
  1. Stage I  : Six draft logo drawn out. Logos are posted at my facebook for voting purpose
    facebook vote link :

logo II: 9 votes 
logo I :16 votes (highest vote )

logo V : 2 votes
logo IV : 5 votes
logo III : 3 votes
logo VI :4 votes

2. Stage II : Colouring and rearranging  ...                                                                                   


 3. Final Stage : Research and modify ...
Finally ....

Features :
My green concept logo design is modified from the eye's structure.

    1. Eye Frame : leaf - everyone has go green concept and awareness on the
                                      environmental pollution problem.
    2. Iris : Green City -thats the main aim for green vision to build more green
                                    buildings and develop more green cities.

    3.Pupil : clear blue moon - a healthy environment without haze and smog.

    4. Eyelash : Green Vision font - decoration make the eye logo look more attractive

    5.Slogan:Build a greener environment-my green vision group's mission

    Comment :
    The logo is my first step on my architecture journey. I will create more and more simple but luxury product and i believe only work hard + study smart only make my dream come true. Finally ,thanks to my IK's friend gave me comments and suggestion , Mr.Henry jun for sponsor me the materials and Mr.Lim ee wei for guiding me on produce and design my green vision logo.Thanks alot.

    Green Vision Product