Sunday 16 October 2011

Green Vision - Project 4A

  • TASK                                 : To fabricate a sculpture 3oo x 3oo x 6oo mm of size with the theme of sustainable.
  • SCULPTURE NAME             : GV tower -Veayevia ( greek word meant new generation )
  • SIZE                                     : 3oo x 3oo x 3oo mm
  • COLOUR                           : Monochrome - green ( yellow green ,pale green ,green ,dark green ,olive green )
  • Materials used                    : Newspapers , tape , superglue , buncho poster colour and arcylic .

My sculpture concept is from one of the pictures from google show beside ,save the world and then i saw another picture with a hand protecting the earth with a green plant above the earth .My inspiration comes ,i modify and develop my ideas and then again i modify the apex logo into my Green Vision Tower and merge the three parts together ( hand , earth and also the GV tower ) . Designation is needed for my GV tower . Plant ? waht is the simplest unit for plant ...yes ,the plant cell so i choose to design the plant cell -window for my GV tower make it look like bamboo and in the same time it symbolise plants also. For the monochrome colour ,i decide to choose green colour as the colour of my sculpture follow green vision's mission - build a GREENER environment . WHY i choose APEX logo ? it's because the young bamboo symbolise young generation like us ,the future master of this world which need to take care and love for the transforming process.In order to coordinate with the sustainable theme ,i choose to use ecofriendly materials which is i recycle the newspaper and make unuseful thing into useful one .

Process :

Photo Gallery :

Green Vision Product

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