Tuesday 8 November 2011

Green Vision : Project 5

    • Task                   : Every student is requested to produce a paper based feeling mask when u enter a space
    • Face expression : Exictement after drinking a bottle livita
    • Space                 : Anyplace
    • Colours              : Green colours and White
    • Materials            : Newspapaer ,tisu ,double A papaer slice,buncho water colour and zig kurecolour marker pen

 Livita Honey enriched with vitamins and honey gives you the extra flavour, it is a delicious energy-giving drink. Whether a top notch professional or the world cup football player - Livita gives you the extra drop of energy, which you require in the break.As you are exposed to pollutants and chemical on a daily basis, Livita brings you that additional antioxidants to fight against the oxidation and aging, to neutralize the ill effect caused by the environment, even before they damage your body.

The innovative mix of many of the best and healthiest antioxidants with a dollop of 1000 mg taurine, Livita, play an important role to guard your heart including regulation of cholesterol level, while sustaining your energy level at the pick.My inspiration comes when i felt tired doing assignment and saw a bottle of livita.I feel energitic after drinking it and  decided to make a exicted mask.


Base of mask
Few steps u need to follow to produce a good base of the mask.The instruction is shown as below.What you need is ask somebody u trust to help you if not you can hire a part time and use their face to pruduce your mask lol ....
 Painting and Decoration of the mask Green colour is choosen to paint my mask.The reason why i choose green colour is because i will use my green coloured logo to decorate the eye part of my mask. Other than that ,i want my personal product to become a series thats why it is same colour with my project 4.

Green Vision Logo as eye of my mask

My green vision logo is used as the eye of the mask. I completed my mask before submission day and five photo is captured from different angle :

Tired eyes suddenly opemed up ...rate of breath become faster ...
Yes ...Livita !
ENERGY COMEs ...!!! i felt exicted and energetic after drinking livita WOoooowoo !!!!!
Inspiration !!!!

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My mask before submission.


Eye of the mask :My(  logo Green Vision logo ) .Mantain previous go green concept.The meaning please view back my project 1A.

Green beard : All the beard around the mask is formed by green coloured buildings which reminding us develop our cities without disturb the balancing of ecosystem.

Green straight hair : Green idea and green concept is poped out after drinking livita -Every project try to go green and try to make out product with nice looking and also recyclable without polluting our environment.

Green face : built by green coloured bricks ,same concept with build building with green concept ,reminding everyone not to pollute our peaceful environment .

Green Vision Product

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